Friday, September 23, 2011

‘E-Learning – Substitution through Technology or Amalgamation with Technology’

In a world on the move, the need for technology in any of its form is desired every minute of every day. For any type of technology to stay in vogue, real-time information is to be delivered to the applicants; otherwise, it is doomed to fall. The process of updating information and delivering it to the applicants needs education—with no doubt. But it seems that education is also employing technology to upgrade itself. Electronic learning, known as e-learning is becoming popular day in day out. It is removing the constraints of time and location for instructors as well as learners. This paper studies e-learning in its broad sense. The vast movement towards e-learning is clearly motivated by the many benefits it offers but computer based instruction ( even if it is self – regulated ) can never eliminate human instructors and other forms of educational delivery. So e-learning is not without critics; e.g. Light and Colbourn (1997) point out that “learners frequently stated they do not wish technological solutions to replace face to face teaching”. Thus, an absolutely positive look at e-learning as a substitution for traditional classroom would be harmful to the body of education in a way or another.

Technological Perspective of Education : E-Learning

We are a technological world on the move; a world which hungers for more and more technology to be satisfied. Technology has become the inevitable platform for innovations. A good means to deliver the knowledge of this technology is mass media. E-learning is becoming part of training in both fields of education and industry (Chapelle, 2004; Kirk, 2002). E-learning is a young field holding the use of technology as its central focus to conduct educational or organizational training. It is individualized and customized learning rather than organizational-based (Kirk, 2002). E-learning delivers real-time knowledge (i.e. immediate and updated knowledge) to the right applicant. It is self-paced and applicants freely choose what they want when they want; in-house systems also help them have immediate and comfortable access to the knowledge. E-learning enjoys a sort of infrastructural classroom—a notion introduced by Bielaczyc (2001, 2006 cited in Lakkala, 2007); a classroom as ideal as possible for learners. E-learning has found its way to a vast area of subjects like marketing, organizations, worker employing, retaining employees, and education. Like every other notion proposed, e-learning has its own proponents and opponents.

Proponents suggest that e-learning is efficient learning in the sense that it delivers up-dated knowledge to the exact applicant(s). Moreover, it is cost effective because the expenses are drawn on individuals. E-learning is considered to be easily presentable and satisfactory in many aspects. But this is not the side often seen; there are some difficulties in play as well. To make e-learning work, it should been as a helping hand or support not as a complete replacement strategy.

E – learning from different perspectives

As a young field, e-learning is subject to face much obstruction on its newly commenced way. E-learning could have been mistakenly thought of as a substitution for traditional training. This should not be so. Some (Díaz & Entonado, 2009 among others) admit this fact; there are certain fields which are in complete mismatch with e-learning. Díaz & Entonado (2009) reported some studies done in the area public application of e-learning (Blankson & Kyei-Blankson, 2008; Hui et al., 2008; Lim et al., 2008; Riesetter et al., 2007; So & Brush, 2008). This may not have internal validity, for e-learning is assumed to be self-paces. As affirmed in the language of Kirk (2002), “E-learning can be self-paced, with a focus on the learner” [italics mine] (p. 8). This ‘can be’ might imply that e-learning—according to the urgency of knowledge need and time—may not be self-paced; one then can ask if it is not self-contradictory to the nature of e-learning. Sometimes field, sometimes people, sometimes sexes may not benefit from an e-learning program.

Consequently, e-learning should not be thought of as an alternative for traditional face-to-face learning but an assistant to it. Chapelle (2004) and Kirk (2002) assert that e-learning has suggested a new way to use technology besides face-to-face training. Díaz and Entonado (2009) draw almost no differences between e-learning and face-to-face training satisfaction in some areas in tutors and applicants; some areas should be made as exceptions.

The concept of e-learning offers a virtual infrastructural classroom to applicants to learn materials, can e-learning be an absolute substitution for traditional classroom learning? If not, what can be the proposed solution?

E-Leaning paving its way into diverse areas

We are a world on the move. In information age, where technology is estimated to experience a growth of at least two thirds (Kirk, 2002) every year, mass media is hired to deliver immediate knowledge to applicants—a cover term employed to include vast sorts of those in need of knowledge. E-learning is becoming part of training in both fields of education and industry (Chapelle, 2004; Kirk, 2002). E-learning is a young field holding the use of technology as its central focus to conduct educational or organizational training. It uses media—the Internet, computer, audio/video tapes, interactive TV, intranets, extranets, and CD-ROMs (Cross, 2001 as cited in Kirk, 2002)—to present appropriate material to appropriate applicants. The interesting point is that learners are free to choose the items and learn at their own pace. It enjoys a sort of infrastructural classroom—a notion introduced by Bielaczyc (2001, 2006 cited in Lakkala, 2007); a classroom as ideal as possible for learners. E-learning has found its way to a vast area of subjects like marketing, organizations, worker employing, retaining employees, and education. Internet portals are presenting online programs, and businesses are selling their products in retail and wholesale thru e-marketing. But this deceptively rapid growth of e-learning might overshadow possible roadblocks it may encounter although eyes should not be closed to the advancement and convenience it has provided us with. Thus, a closer look at benefits and pitfalls of e-learning is of significance.

Like every other notion proposed, e-learning has its own proponents and opponents. As mentioned above, it is a young field and has a long way ahead. Proponents suggest that e-learning, as an individualized and customized approach of learning rather than organizational, is efficient learning (Kirk, 2002); they believe that it delivers the exact information to the exact applicant on his or her desktop. Moreover, the applicant is totally free to choose what he or she wants to learn, and most importantly, learn at their own pace. In-house systems, on the other hand, put applicants at ease by allowing them to enjoy their personal infrastructural classroom. E-learning also offers a time saving opportunity as it is self-paced; so, applicants go for knowledge when they want. As more and more countries—in various time zones—are being involved in this sort of technology applied for training, applicants can adjust their time to coordinate with the same applicants in other countries. E-learning has become a new innovation to learn i.e., online education.

There are a number of universities around the globe that realize that there are a number of student who may simply not afford attending their learning program in campus attending regular classes. So, such students can always opt for elearning system as their prime option available. Making use of this online education system there are chances that anyone can in fact attend any course in any university present around the globe. These universities also award students with a valuable degree for attending course online and this degree has the same value as compared to in-campus training program. If you have to think of getting a reputed college education, then you certainly have to try and overcome a number of barriers that might lie on the way.

These barriers might simply range from expense to motivation and also accessibility and reach. There are a number of people around the globe who simply are just not capable of affording paying thousands of dollars for getting a regular college degree for their kids. A number of people are there who in fact live in some of the most remote places and so they find it impossible to attend regular colleges and universities. Online education enables such people to overcome all these barriers by allowing them to get connected to reputed universities and colleges. They can always try selecting some of the best online training niche while they can help their parents at home and work in the farms along with their studies.

An increasing number of students also prefer working during the day time in all kind of jobs and study in online education programs during the night times. E-learning programs provide with flexibility such that you can attend your online class at your own convenience. Such learning programs have taken an initiative to transform the face of higher education overnight. There are millions of American kids who have joined such online education programs along with working professionals and house wives to gain a regular college degree. Such distance learning programs are considered as best options for anyone who wants to complete any university or college program but certainly does not have enough resources or time available.

The best part is that this online education degree holds equivalent value as any regular college degree. So in any online education classroom you certainly might find range of ages and professionals sitting together at the same time in front of their personal computers at their home. So the enthusiasm is very much similar to that attending regular college classroom. But you have to keep in mind that these people who are opting for online education programs certainly have a real zeal for learning and completing their education. These are the class of people who literally want to get their college degrees or university degree and elearning is one way they can get their dreams come true.

Distance learning can always be fun and excitement and you also get a chance to earn your college degree from any reputed college or university from around the world sitting at the comfort zone of your home. Today with the advent of online education system studying abroad in any reputed college might just not be a dream for anyone. But this is not the side often observed because there are some problems in play.

E-Learning : a substitution or an enhancement to education

Within the zone of pitfalls, e-learning could have been mistakenly thought of as a substitution for traditional training. This should not be so. Some (Díaz & Entonado, 2009 among others) admit this fact; there are certain fields which are in complete mismatch with e-learning. Moreover, because it is efficient learning as a result of being cost-effective, easily presented, and advantageous, it does not mean that applicants can have their own pace in learning. At least, this cannot be applied in public classes although Díaz and Entonado (2009) reported a public application of an e-learning program for their specific aims; they also reported some studies done in this area (Blankson & Kyei-Blankson, 2008; Hui et al., 2008; Lim et al., 2008; Riesetter et al., 2007; So & Brush, 2008). Put simply, a group of applicants do not mean the same goals in a set time; even though this could be the philosophy behind its being individualized.

The educationalists need technological training for initial creation of a learning environment. The technology uses individual student time with no regard for institutional time-tabling with no element of personal touch. Chat rooms can go part of the way to mimicking real inter-personal interaction, but most students see interaction as an addition to, not a replacement, for meeting people.

As affirmed in the language of Kirk (2002), “E-learning can be self-paced, with a focus on the learner” [italics mine] (p. 8). This ‘can be’ might imply that e-learning—according to the urgency of knowledge need and time—may not be self-paced; one then can ask if it is not self-contradictory to the nature of e-learning. Sometimes people may not benefit from an e-learning program. Díaz and Entonado (2009) make a comparison between various studies like those of Blankson and Kyei-Blankson (2008), Lim at al. (2008), and So and Brush (2008)—with no internal validity as e-learning is applied in various contexts. Plus, these comparisons, if of any validation, may not be useful as long as groups of applicants are considered; e-learning is assumed to be individualized though. There is good support by Chapelle (2004) who reports that technology-assisted learning, and especially research in this area, is unique in the sense that one should change his or her perspectives toward such issues with the emergence of technology; in other words, technology changes perspectives toward contexts and approaches of data collection. As another opposing point to e-learning, when it may not be applicable to all fields, neither can it be to all aspects and skills within a discipline. E-learning needs a tutor; thus, one could make sure that there is interaction between applicant and the tutor. But there is no interaction between applicants. This is magnified in case of educational courses like language classes; that is to say no interaction, thus, no learning occurs. Besides, the mentioned studies do not hold bio data of the participants to consider gender differences in e-learning.

Chapelle (2004) and Kirk (2002) assert that e-learning has suggested a new way to use technology besides face-to-face training. Díaz and Entonado (2009) draw almost no differences between e-learning and face-to-face training satisfaction in some areas in tutors and applicants; some areas should be made as exceptions.

E-learning is cost-effective only if it is drawn on individuals; otherwise, if provided by schools or organizations, it would not be so. In information age with this rapid growth and hunger for the new, schools or organizations may put time and energy to understand what the new are. It is, therefore, logical to ask what if there is no application if e-learning is solo-presented training way.

After all, e-learning has a long way ahead. And one should bear in mind that e-learning is to be regarded as a facilitator not a total substitution for traditional face-to-face learning style.

Assessment of Beneficiary Role of E-Learning and providing it a new dimension – Blended Learning

It is, thus, while-worthy evaluating different aspects of e-learning to see how good it does to both fields of industry and education. To this end, this section is intended to bear some of this evaluation.

To start with, e-learning has benefits among which is its cost-effectiveness, and as with some findings, it is no less satisfactory than traditional classes for both tutors and applicants (Díaz & Entonado, 2009). It is also self-paced which means that the applicant can choose what they want to learn when they want to learn. With the infrastructural classroom atmosphere it offers the learners as introduced by Bielaczyc (2001, 2006 cited in Lakkala, 2007), e-learning in both fields of education and technology puts applicants at ease when learning.

There is little doubt that e-learning is a major factor shaping the future of higher education. As Inglis et al (2002) indicate, “ For most organizations, the transition to electronic delivery will represent a significant shift. It will involve major changes to the organization like changes in staffing, processes, infrastructure, and most of all to the culture of the organization”.But this is not, and should not be, the side often seen about e-learning. It was said it is cost-effective; that is just in the case of being personalized. In other words, if organizations and companies are to provide the costs of technology-assisted learning—e-learning—it would not last long enough and keeping updated would not be that possible. Plus, by being self-paced is not meant that individuals can learn on their own pace; if so, e-learning cannot be applied to a group of applicants who are supposed to achieve a goal. Bielaczyc might have missed the point that infrastructural atmosphere of classes in e-learning processes might put applicants at ease and many fail to communicate with the class if they are not in a class. Thus e-learning in certain cases lacks accountability.

The solution to the above problem is that there are several instances wherein a mixture of traditional programme with e-learning meets the purpose of learning. Here comes the concept of blended learning. Blended learning is an approach which combines e-learning with other traditional methods of learning for delivering a learning solution. Different learning problems require different solutions ( different mixes of media and delivery ) and the key is to apply the RIGHT MIX to a problem.

One of the simplest approaches is to create electronic content and “surround” it with human, interactive content. This approach of “surrounding” e-learning with humans enables you to create high interest, accountability, and real assessment of the results of the e-learning programme.


Dewey, J.(1916) Democracy and Education, Collier Macmillan, New York

Hanna, D. (2000) Higher Education in an Era of Digital Competition, Madison, Atwood.

Chapelle, C. A. (2004). Technology and second language learning: Expanding methods and agendas, System, 32, 593-601.

Inglis, A., Ling, P. and Joosten, V.(2002) Delivering Digitally, Kogan Page, London

Díaz, L. A. & Entonado, F. B. (2009). Are the functions of teachers in e-learning and face-to-face learning environments really different? Educational Technology & Society, 12 (4), 331-343.

James, J. K. (2002).

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